想想今天的数字世界. 这是我们生活的世界. 人们交流和联系的地方. 澳门赌场官方下载可以在哪里成长和繁荣. 没有信任就什么都不是.

We’re putting the focus on creating a trustworthy and transparent digital footprint, 优先诚实, 道德与安全. 通过授权像你这样的信息技术专业人士, 我们致力增强消费者信心, 促进所有人的业务增长.


数字信任生态系统框架 Foundation Certificate

数字信任生态系统框架 (DTEF) Foundation Certificate

The 数字信任生态系统框架 Foundation Certificate signifies expertise in integrating digital trust practices across organizations, 指导以信任为中心的产品战略, and enhancing competitiveness and reputation.



Focusing on the key components of building trustworthy relationships between enterprises and consumers, the Framework addresses three traditional elements (people, 过程, 和技术), and adds a fourth critical element (organization). 它包含了详细的实践, 活动, 输出, 控制, kpi和KRI, providing practitioners with a comprehensive toolkit for implementation and assessment.


数字信任生态系统框架: 实现 Guide

This e-publication helps organizations determine the proper approach to adopting and implementing a digital trust strategy leveraging the DTEF. It is a flexible approach that allows organizations to focus on their business objectives and determine what trust factors and practices to prioritize for implementation. The guidance is customizable so organizations can optimize digital trust posture based on their needs.



This downloadable PDF explains how the DTEF can be leveraged to create a digitally trustworthy ecosystem that considers the accountabilities and responsibilities of all enterprise stakeholders. It advocates embedding digital trust into an organization’s GRC model as connecting digital actions to the governing structure can positively affect trust between the organization and its stakeholders.


Introduction to the 数字信任生态系统框架 Short Course

The 60-minute, self-paced online course explores digital trust concepts and DTEF components. 在课程中, 参与者将定义数字信任, explore its value and impact on organizational success, 总结DTEF的组成部分, and describe the nodes and domains that comprise the DTEF.


数字信任生态系统框架 Interactive Guide

The Interactive Guide navigates users through the DTEF (key tenants, 组件和各种交互), 并帮助用户理解DTEF. 它是高度交互式的(3d建模), 资源, 额外的上下文和知识检查), 是视觉学习者的理想选择. The e-learning format helps users understand the key principles of the 数字信任生态系统框架. The 数字信任生态系统框架 Interactive Guide is a good companion guide and learning tool to the 数字信任生态系统框架.




Learn more about ISACA的数字信托投资组合 by exploring the most frequently asked questions.

Fostering your pursuit of digital trust with insights and 资源

Nurturing and upholding trust is paramount in today’s digital landscape. Your pivotal role involves harnessing the latest 资源 and educational assets. ISACA在这里帮助你.


ISACA澳门赌场官方软件资格为您提供更多访问权限, 更多的知识, more savings—plus the largest global community of IT professionals all dedicated to expanding digital trust.